Feb. 23-25
Men's Retreat

Fri. 23
12:30 pm Site opens
1:00 pm Sign in
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Welcome
Sat. 24
7:00 am Quiet Time (Couch Room)
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Game
10:00 am Lesson / Devotional
11:00 am Survival Lesson / Class
11:45 am Group Photo
12:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Lake Hockey Game
2:00 pm Non hockey activity
3:00pm Free time
6:00 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Camp fire worship time
8:30 pm Movie in couch room, games in dining hall.
Sun. 25
7:00 am Quiet Time (Couch Room)
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Pack and clean up cabins - Must be inspected
10:30 am Worship service
*Note : There is no kids class, all kids are to stay in service unless accompanied by their guardian*
11:30 am Lunch (Drinks and Snacks)
11:30 pm Lodge clean up
12:30 pm Farewell. Have a safe drive home, and see you NEXT YEAR!
Thank you for your help making this annual event such a success!

Event Address
Pine Lake Christian Camp Association
36341, AB-816, Pine Lake, AB T0M